Rolling Bluffs Planetarium
The Planetarium that comes to you
Information and Costs

This price list for when the planetarium travels to you.
3 hours (approx. 4 presentations) $300
6 hours (approx. 8 presentations) $550
Destinations over 50 miles from Council Bluffs, Iowa +$25
Audience size per show
Grades K to 6 30 students
Grades 7 to 12 24 students
Each presentation is 45 minutes and this includes seating and releasing the audience.
Room Requirements
20’ x 20’ room with 10’ ceilings (non-carpeted floor preferred)
Click the link below to see a full list of the presentations available from Rolling Bluffs Planetarium
What is Rolling Bluffs Planetarium?
Rolling Bluffs Planetarium is a portable planetarium that can be brought in to schools, churches, and community centers in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska along the I-29 corridor. We have presentations and activities for kindergarten to public audiences. A portable planetarium is a convenient and cost effective in-house field trip. As an educator there isn't a bus to order, field trip permission slips to keep track of, or chaperones to organize, so you can focus on instruction.
Since spring 2021 we have offered a location to visit in downtown Council Bluffs. This is great for people who want a private show but don't have space the planetarium to be set up at your location.

Astronomy Educator
Jack L Northrup is our Astronomy Educator. Joining Rolling Bluffs Planetarium with 18 years experience running planetarium shows for public, home, and private school groups as well as public shows for general audiences.
He is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Earth Science Education with minors in Physics and Astronomy. Jack has 15 years experience teaching middle school Astronomy, Technology, and Meteorology in Omaha, NE.
Professionally, Jack served as Education Committee Chair for the International Planetarium Society for 6 years. He is also serving his second term as President of Great Plains Planetarium Association.